Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Feng Shui

Happy reading! ^_^

Credits to 360Doc

My Floor Plan

My new house is a 3 Bedroom Dual Key.  As it's a Executive Condominium, most of the renovation works (toilets, flooring, wardrobes etc) are already included in the purchase price. 

I plan to just throw in $25,000 to do the remaining renovations (extra storage, lighting, wallpaper etc), fittings and electrical appliances. Kinda ambitious, looking at the raising renovation costs.  But that's the challenging part! Hehe 

Well, I shall use this blog to keep my expenses in check! =p

We plan to rent out the studio bedroom since currently there's only the 2 of us now.  We attended the Feng Shui seminar at Singapore Expo last week, and the Feng Shui Master mentioned that it's better for a house to have more 人气.  More about the seminar in my next post! 

So do contact me if you are keen to rent it! 

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Contacts that you may be interested (Part 1 - Renovation)

Hey, I have compiled the following lists for my and maybe your consideration! They are in alphabetical order for easy reference.  

I will be adding on more to the lists as I embark on my first renovation! =D  If you have come across any good recommendation, please let me know too! Thanks in advance!

~*~ Digital Lock ~*~
~*~ Invisible Grills ~*~
~*~ Lights ~*~

Monday, August 5, 2013

Hello there!

Hello everyone!

Presenting my new "baby", Dream Hideout.  *Applause*

How does the name come about? 

Since this is a branch out from my Fun-Hideout, I want the names to be similar.  Hey, just like how  parents name their children, there is probably some similarities.

Hideout, by definition, is a place for shelter or a place for hiding. So what's a better place, other than your home? Such a coincidence hor? That bring me to the next question...

What is Dream Hideout all about?

Dream Hideout talks about anything which got to do with a  dream house/home.  I'm actually starting on my first house renovation and I will share my experiences and useful links (e.g. curtains, carpets, lighting, murals) here.  

A lot of us also like to find out more about Feng Shui for house, regardless of religions or races.  Therefore, I thought this will also be a good forum to share what we know. Yes, I welcome all to share ideas! 

I will categorize my posts under "Renovation", "Fengshui" and "Useful links" for your easy reference.  

Please also read through the disclaimers below and with that, happy browsing! ^_^ (V)

  • I'm not responsible if any of the companies that I've compiled here fail to deliver their promises. I'm not receiving any payments from the companies, it's purely my own compilations gathered from internet browsing, my own experience and friends' recommendations.
  • I'm also not responsible if your luck has not improved after using the tips in my Feng Shui posts.  I need to stress that I'm not a Feng Shui master. I just find it intriguing and thought of sharing what I have learnt from books or internet.
